Concrete Floor Maintenance 101: 5 things you need to know

When it comes to using concrete as a flooring option, there are many misconceptions surrounding how to best look after it. In truth, the use of such flooring both internally and externally is one of the most versatile substances around today, yet the myths about maintenance abound despite its popularity.

The following debunks many of these and discusses the best methods to keep concrete floors looking their best and extending their lifespan for many, many years.

But first, we need to clear up one very important point…

  • The concrete vs. cement debate: Many people use the terms ‘concrete’ and ‘cement’ interchangeably – believing them both to be one and the same. This is not true. In simple terms, cement is an ingredient of the mix that forms concrete. Cement, along with sand, and aggrgates (stones), are what creates the product that we refer to as concrete.

OK… So now that’s cleared up, we can go on to discuss the most important aspects about maintaining concrete floors.

  1. Maintain with concrete-specific cleaning products: The very nature of floors means they undergo pretty heavy footfall, and with this comes heel marks, ground-in dirt, scratches and substance spillage of all and every kind. Concrete is a porous substance, which is why it’s always preferable for them to be sealed.

    There are many concrete cleaning solutions on the market, and these can be used to clean the surface using a floor machine or scrubber. This should be carried out regularly and preferably using a low-friction lubricant cleaning fluid to allow for easy gliding.

  2. Apply a sealant or impregnator: While not strictly necessary, applying a sealant (even on a concrete floor without a finish) has two distinct advantages. The first is that it’s an effective barrier that prevents moisture and dirt working their way into the concrete over time. Secondly, and one that cleaners and maintainers will be very grateful for, it makes the floor much easier to keep clean and looking good.

  3. Create a floor maintenance program: Whether it’s finished and/or sealed, both internal and external concrete floors still require a regular maintenance program. Those without sealant should be vacuumed/swept daily and regularly wet mopped using a machine as described in step 1.

  4. For floors that have had a finish/sealer/impregnator applied then they’ll also need to be buffed on occasion. If refurbishing a tired floor the effect of stripping down and refinishing can bring it back to life – often with spectacular results.

  5. Keep an eye out for cracks: Concrete can crack – especially right after installation (perhaps due to being poured over a surface that isn’t perfectly level). Concrete floors take time to settle after being laid and small – or sometimes large – cracks can appear when this happens. These should be addressed by keeping them clean and dry – such cracks can hold moisture and dirt that produce unwanted odours due to bacteria if not cleaned regularly.

  6. About polished finishes: Gleaming concrete floors are beautiful (usually found internally) and achieved by using concrete grinders. The finesse of the grind will determine the level of sheen. Once done this is easily maintained using a floor scrubber. They use pads and chemicals specifically designed for the job and don’t require any specialist knowledge to use. Scrubbing regularly ensures the good looks of the floor and increase its lifespan.

Why Choose Concrete as a Flooring Option

Quite simply, concrete offers great durability and can be used both internally and externally to great effect. Advanced techniques mean that floors can be stained, dyed and even polished to a perfect glassy finish or decorated with intricate patterns. Their construction is incredibly long-lasting and, although they do need to be maintained, take a lot less effort than floors made from alternative materials.

Concrete Hire of Perth, WA, are the go-to source for every aspect of concrete maintenance and building projects. Whether you need to hire or purchase concrete scrubbers, polishers, pumps, mixers, screeds, vibes or anything else to do with concrete equipment, their expert team will be happy to advise on the best options for your requirements.

Discover more at or call them on 1300 048 521 for a no-obligation chat.