Use A Concrete Vacuum And Breathe Easy

Anyone working with concrete and/or masonry products must ensure they stay safe from concrete dust. This is a hazardous by-product that’s expelled into the air any time the integrity of concrete is disturbed. One of the most efficient methods eliminating the risk of concrete dust is through the use of a high-quality concrete vacuum that utilises HEPA filters (also referred to as H-class filters).

Why protect yourself from concrete dust?

Any high energy process that effects concrete causes significant amounts of dust to be released. This contains microscopic particles of respirable crystalline silica (RCS) that, if not controlled, will be imperceptibly inhaled. Such processes include:

  • Cutting

  • Blasting

  • Polishing

  • Chipping

  • Drilling

  • Sawing

  • Crushing

In addition, certain housekeeping processes cause RCS to become airborne, such as:

  • Sweeping

  • The use of air blowers or compressed air

RCS particles are invisible to the human eye, but when breathed into the lungs cause irreparable damage and can result in a disease called Silicosis. This is a life-limiting condition and causes hundreds of deaths per year. It’s also a contributory factor for lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

The use of a concrete vacuum is pivotal to user safety

There are many methods workers should employ to eliminate the inspiration of toxic concrete dust. These include water feeds to keep dust dampened, dust sleeve, shrouds and – crucially – the use of a concrete vacuum.

However, because of the microscopic nature of RCA, it’s imperative to ensure that any vacuum used is of sufficient quality to ensure that a filter continues to work correctly and that there’s no unnoticed release of hazardous dust. It’s also essential that users are aware of the correct method of implementation.

Guidelines for selecting the correct concrete vacuum for your needs include:

Accurate size selection: This will depend on the type and size of equipment it’s to be used with, such as an angle grinder, hammer drill, concrete cutter etc. There are different sized vacuums available for hand-held apparatus through to the largest of planetary grinders, shotblasters and four head grinders.

Highest quality filtration: The vacuum should have double or multiple filtration, using a HEPA filter as the final stage of filtration. This ensures the capture of particles as small as 0.3 microns in size with 99.7% efficiency – vital because the human eye can’t detect dust particles smaller than 40-50 microns, and RCA particles are as small as 3 microns in size. The use of a double filtration system (or more) means that is that the first stages help extend the life of the crucial HEPA filter.

Auto filter cleaning: It’s recommended that any vacuum has a back-pulse filter cleaning cycle. This improves its efficiency and reduces the time and need for maintenance, as well as removing  the need for periodically shutting down the vacuum to allow the bag to collapse and any caked debris to be dislodged from the filter.

Concrete Hire, Perth’s leading supplier of specialist concrete equipment, provides a large selection of concrete dust vacuum options to suit apparatus of all sizes. Each boasts the highest quality of filtration levels, with multiple HEPA filtration and vacuum bag collection for easy disposal.

When it comes to choosing the right size vacuum for your needs, the experts at Concrete Hire are delighted to advise, and with over two decades experience you can rest assured that this will be second to none. To find out more give them a call on 1300 048 521 or visit their comprehensive website at